The way we move, breathe, think and feel are all connected to the Yoga of life.
Beside the physical practice of Yoga which included Asana and Meditation, Yoga is...
Beside the physical practice of Yoga which included Asana and Meditation, Yoga is...
DevotionI am in constant devotion to the divine and the Great Mother by living and embodying the divinity within me, honouring and worshiping all of Her creation.
KnowledgeI am humble that I need to learn in order to grow, and that there is no end of this process. I have devoted myself to spiritual wisdom since I was a teenager.
Selfless ServiceI renounce the fruits of my actions and give it all up to God/Goddess.
All that I do I want to give to be in service to the divine and humankind. |
Yoga means different things for different beings and in the end, the practice serves the same purpose: and alignment of mind, body and soul in order to connect with the divine source of All. There are many different types of Yoga and different ways of practicing it and no matter how you practice it, it benefits you and your soul growth.
When working with Yoga, you shift your focus from what is around you to your inner world. You have invisible energy centers in your body that are connected to different parts of your body and to different glands. These are called Chakras and they are there to help you be grounded, creative, driven, loving, expressive and also to help you see beyond the veil and connect to a higher consciousness.
I started practicing Yoga to connect deeper to my body and soul, to open up my energy channels and to get a taste of true bliss. Yoga for me started very easy since I have been using my body for dancing, marshall arts and exercise throughout my life, but this practice still was so different from what I was used to. The hardest parts was stillness, because the mind sometimes wants us to not go deep into our deepest woundings which are creating blocks within our bodies. But with persistence you release and let go of those blocks and find a fluidity within yourself.
Yoga is a deep spiritual practice and has beneficial side effects for our bodies, helping us increase health and vitality throughout each body part and limb. Through Yoga one can understand who she really is and to connect to a higher divine source that is the root of everything. It is also an important practice in order to balance our chakras.
When working with Yoga, you shift your focus from what is around you to your inner world. You have invisible energy centers in your body that are connected to different parts of your body and to different glands. These are called Chakras and they are there to help you be grounded, creative, driven, loving, expressive and also to help you see beyond the veil and connect to a higher consciousness.
I started practicing Yoga to connect deeper to my body and soul, to open up my energy channels and to get a taste of true bliss. Yoga for me started very easy since I have been using my body for dancing, marshall arts and exercise throughout my life, but this practice still was so different from what I was used to. The hardest parts was stillness, because the mind sometimes wants us to not go deep into our deepest woundings which are creating blocks within our bodies. But with persistence you release and let go of those blocks and find a fluidity within yourself.
Yoga is a deep spiritual practice and has beneficial side effects for our bodies, helping us increase health and vitality throughout each body part and limb. Through Yoga one can understand who she really is and to connect to a higher divine source that is the root of everything. It is also an important practice in order to balance our chakras.
Our Chakras
We have 7 major chakras (energy wheels) in our bodies and these represent different areas of life and different aspects of us.
Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra
Is located in the base of your spine and is the foundation of your energy body. It symbolized stability, security, safety and grounding. When this chakra is in balance, you feel secure, loyalty from others and community. This energy helps you to let go of what you no longer need or want. It is important to balance this chakra first before balancing the others, from an energetic stand-point, as it is widely believed that this is where we draw our life force energy from. If you are not properly grounded (or rooted into the ground) you simply can not balance the other chakras properly. If your root chakra is in balance or open properly, you will feel secure in your world and daily tasks will seem effortless. You will not have any doubts about your place in the world and things will work for you, whether it be with relationships, money or with a career. You will work with the world and not against it.
Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra
Is located in the middle region of the lower back and is associated with instinct, pleasure, creativity, sensuality and procreation. When this chakra is balanced you feel vital, creative and you can express your emotions and yourself comfortably and confidently.
If you feel stuck in life, you can't let go of negative emotions, need closure in any relationships and you feel blocked sexually, you need to work with Swadhisthana chakra. Then you can increase your vitality, sensitivity and creative abilities. You will also be able to express your emotions in a more healthier way and thereby vibrate on a more healthy level.
Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra
Is located in the solar plexus area and is associated with passion, gut-feeling, self.awareness and self-awareness. When this chakra is in balance you feel confident, you make decisions that will bring your forward in life and take responsibility for your own life.
This chakra deals with issues of willpower, ambition and action and is weakened by all forms of shame, embarrassment and self-consciousness. If you feel powerless, shaming yourself, focusing to much on achieving goals and see the future as full of danger, then this chakra needs o be balances through meditation, yoga, reflection and breathing.
Anahata - Heart Chakra
Located in your mid-chest, the heart center, is associated unconditional love, compassion and accepting what life has to offer with open arms. When this chakra is balanced you can love and be loved, accept yourself and have both empathy and sympathy,
Working with this chakra is important if you tend to judge yourself a lot, if you would like to develop more compassion, hard to accept what is given to you, if you are always giving without reciprocation, if u crave loving partnership but have a hard time to commit. When this chakra is in balance you will be able to love yourself unconditionally and receive love.
Vishuddha - Throat Chakra
In our neck sits the energy wheel that is associated with accepting oneself enough to express ones authentic truth and self, always speaking truth and seeking more truth, beyond negative conditioning from society. Expressing ones truth can be through speech, arts or any type of creative way that you transform your energy into matter. Standing up for oneself and letting go of negative thinking and doubts helps you balance this chakra that is also connected to the thyroid. Eat and drink blue foods and drinks, write, speak, sing, dance and express yourself everyday in your own way.
Feelings of guilt and negative talk will easily “clog” the Vishuddha, so it is important that we clear it out by speaking our internal truth. If your throat chakra is in balance you will have no problem expressing yourself in the world! You will be very creative, helpful, and may be good at offering people sound advice when it is asked for. You know what you want out of life and you are not afraid to ask for it, and what you ask for always seems to come to you with no, or little effort on your part! You are not afraid to express your weaknesses and people respect you for this. You are truly free when you can speak your truth
Ajna - Third Eye
Our 6th chakra is our sixth sense, located between our eyebrows and explained since ancient times as our Third Eye (mind's eye). This chakra has throughout many religions and beliefs been said to be the seat of our true vision and helps us through inner guidance, walk our path in this life. It can also be our intuition and gut feeling about things in life. We all have this sixth sense, but we can only access it if we do not let our ego mind and others beliefs block us from access this power. Through meditation, avoiding fluoride, meats and being more in nature, we can balance this chakra and gain great supersensitivity, feeling oneness and connection with all living forms and truly find our paths in life. Detox your mind from negative beliefs and thoughts, that are only creates to hold you back, and listen to the inner voice and look out for signs all around you. You are well guided and healed by the source of all life.
Six spiritual powers are associated with Ajna: ability to control your thoughts and direct your attention, perfect concentration, unobstructed meditation, enlightenment and samadhi. It is where perception meets logic and it can help you enhance intuition and get clearer insight. With this chakra in balance you will become more creative, imaginative and you will create your reality through thought
This chakra is for clear sight and intuition, enabling you to experience life through the eye of your higher self. It is connected to intuition, invention, psychic ability, perception, memory and fearlessness. It is also connected to the pituitary gland and is best balanced through meditation, indigo foods and drinks and gem stones. Trust your inner guidance.
Sahasrara - Crown Chakra
At the crown of our head is the energy portal that generate and downloads data, knowledge and wisdom that goes beyond time and space, mind and body. It is connected to higher consciousness and the oneness of all. When balanced we have a clear vision, know our divine purpose, we feel connection with everything and everyone and experience state of bliss. Eating violet foods and drinks, meditation, using amethyst crystals and using and writing dreams we have during sleep are great ways of balancing this chakra. Divine connection and oneness is experienced when we are ready.
Located at the top of your head and extending upward toward the sky, this chakra is associated with intuitive knowledge, spiritual connection, Higher Self, connection to the Divine, higher consciousness and courage to overcome hardship. When this chakra is balances you will lead a life filled with your bliss, deeper understanding, enhanced sense of wonder and oneness with All.
Regular meditation and yoga enables you to balance this chakra. It is important to focus on this chakra if the following is true in your life: you want to establish regular meditation practice, quiet your mind, sleep better, you lack of clear direction of your life, you want to receive higher direction, develop gifts and access more knowledge and joy in your life.
We have 7 major chakras (energy wheels) in our bodies and these represent different areas of life and different aspects of us.
Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra
Is located in the base of your spine and is the foundation of your energy body. It symbolized stability, security, safety and grounding. When this chakra is in balance, you feel secure, loyalty from others and community. This energy helps you to let go of what you no longer need or want. It is important to balance this chakra first before balancing the others, from an energetic stand-point, as it is widely believed that this is where we draw our life force energy from. If you are not properly grounded (or rooted into the ground) you simply can not balance the other chakras properly. If your root chakra is in balance or open properly, you will feel secure in your world and daily tasks will seem effortless. You will not have any doubts about your place in the world and things will work for you, whether it be with relationships, money or with a career. You will work with the world and not against it.
Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra
Is located in the middle region of the lower back and is associated with instinct, pleasure, creativity, sensuality and procreation. When this chakra is balanced you feel vital, creative and you can express your emotions and yourself comfortably and confidently.
If you feel stuck in life, you can't let go of negative emotions, need closure in any relationships and you feel blocked sexually, you need to work with Swadhisthana chakra. Then you can increase your vitality, sensitivity and creative abilities. You will also be able to express your emotions in a more healthier way and thereby vibrate on a more healthy level.
Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra
Is located in the solar plexus area and is associated with passion, gut-feeling, self.awareness and self-awareness. When this chakra is in balance you feel confident, you make decisions that will bring your forward in life and take responsibility for your own life.
This chakra deals with issues of willpower, ambition and action and is weakened by all forms of shame, embarrassment and self-consciousness. If you feel powerless, shaming yourself, focusing to much on achieving goals and see the future as full of danger, then this chakra needs o be balances through meditation, yoga, reflection and breathing.
Anahata - Heart Chakra
Located in your mid-chest, the heart center, is associated unconditional love, compassion and accepting what life has to offer with open arms. When this chakra is balanced you can love and be loved, accept yourself and have both empathy and sympathy,
Working with this chakra is important if you tend to judge yourself a lot, if you would like to develop more compassion, hard to accept what is given to you, if you are always giving without reciprocation, if u crave loving partnership but have a hard time to commit. When this chakra is in balance you will be able to love yourself unconditionally and receive love.
Vishuddha - Throat Chakra
In our neck sits the energy wheel that is associated with accepting oneself enough to express ones authentic truth and self, always speaking truth and seeking more truth, beyond negative conditioning from society. Expressing ones truth can be through speech, arts or any type of creative way that you transform your energy into matter. Standing up for oneself and letting go of negative thinking and doubts helps you balance this chakra that is also connected to the thyroid. Eat and drink blue foods and drinks, write, speak, sing, dance and express yourself everyday in your own way.
Feelings of guilt and negative talk will easily “clog” the Vishuddha, so it is important that we clear it out by speaking our internal truth. If your throat chakra is in balance you will have no problem expressing yourself in the world! You will be very creative, helpful, and may be good at offering people sound advice when it is asked for. You know what you want out of life and you are not afraid to ask for it, and what you ask for always seems to come to you with no, or little effort on your part! You are not afraid to express your weaknesses and people respect you for this. You are truly free when you can speak your truth
Ajna - Third Eye
Our 6th chakra is our sixth sense, located between our eyebrows and explained since ancient times as our Third Eye (mind's eye). This chakra has throughout many religions and beliefs been said to be the seat of our true vision and helps us through inner guidance, walk our path in this life. It can also be our intuition and gut feeling about things in life. We all have this sixth sense, but we can only access it if we do not let our ego mind and others beliefs block us from access this power. Through meditation, avoiding fluoride, meats and being more in nature, we can balance this chakra and gain great supersensitivity, feeling oneness and connection with all living forms and truly find our paths in life. Detox your mind from negative beliefs and thoughts, that are only creates to hold you back, and listen to the inner voice and look out for signs all around you. You are well guided and healed by the source of all life.
Six spiritual powers are associated with Ajna: ability to control your thoughts and direct your attention, perfect concentration, unobstructed meditation, enlightenment and samadhi. It is where perception meets logic and it can help you enhance intuition and get clearer insight. With this chakra in balance you will become more creative, imaginative and you will create your reality through thought
This chakra is for clear sight and intuition, enabling you to experience life through the eye of your higher self. It is connected to intuition, invention, psychic ability, perception, memory and fearlessness. It is also connected to the pituitary gland and is best balanced through meditation, indigo foods and drinks and gem stones. Trust your inner guidance.
Sahasrara - Crown Chakra
At the crown of our head is the energy portal that generate and downloads data, knowledge and wisdom that goes beyond time and space, mind and body. It is connected to higher consciousness and the oneness of all. When balanced we have a clear vision, know our divine purpose, we feel connection with everything and everyone and experience state of bliss. Eating violet foods and drinks, meditation, using amethyst crystals and using and writing dreams we have during sleep are great ways of balancing this chakra. Divine connection and oneness is experienced when we are ready.
Located at the top of your head and extending upward toward the sky, this chakra is associated with intuitive knowledge, spiritual connection, Higher Self, connection to the Divine, higher consciousness and courage to overcome hardship. When this chakra is balances you will lead a life filled with your bliss, deeper understanding, enhanced sense of wonder and oneness with All.
Regular meditation and yoga enables you to balance this chakra. It is important to focus on this chakra if the following is true in your life: you want to establish regular meditation practice, quiet your mind, sleep better, you lack of clear direction of your life, you want to receive higher direction, develop gifts and access more knowledge and joy in your life.